Friday, November 7, 2008

AC/DC's Black Ice Album Review

Review of AC/DC’s Black Ice

1: Rock & Roll Train 4:21
DÉJÀ VU!!!! The song is like as if brought from the 80’s era of AC/DC. Very old-school, the best AC/DC can do. It has all the potentials for a good rock n’ roll song: catchy tune, great killer riffs, lots of powerful choruses. It reminds of the mindless and timeless rock that was once so popular in pubs and bars where bikers attended meetings. Just lacks a good solo from Angus Young.
Verdict: Good 8/10

2: Skies On Fire 3:34
Nice, solid riffs. AC/DC continues to be the favourite among guitar riff lovers and air-guitarists alike. Somewhat subdued vocals though, but I enjoyed the chorus personally. “Skies on fire, flames go higher” The solo has arrived! Ripping through the song like a well-aimed arrow, it thrills you for a minute. Good stuff. Keep it going this way AC/DC!!
Verdict: Good 8/10

3: Big Jack 3:57
I can imagine how fun this song would be to sing along to on karaoke. All the songs until now remind me of a rock party where each one is singing these fun-filled rock n’ roll songs. Riffs aren’t as heavy as one usually expects, but amazingly Brian Johnson sings with great poise and clarity with his trademark scowls and yells. And yes, the song is a tongue-in-cheek reference to the male appendage. Naughty boys, these AC/DC.
Verdict: Good 8/10

4: Anything Goes 3:22
Wait a second, this sounded like some new band of 2000’s. No, it’s AC/DC! Very different way of starting an AC/DC song. Innovative riffs and tune. Brian isn’t as rough as he normally is, a bit mellowed down for this track. Nice, but the vocals weren’t that impressive as this song fades from your memory quick.
Verdict: Okay 7/10

5: War Machine 3:09
Wow, lovely start for a song. Nice musicianship from these guys. The basic riff is very metal-like, but in the traditional AC/DC sound. You can’t make out what is Brian mumbling, but your attention diverts to the simple yet powerful drums and the grinding power chords. Few silences inserted in between for good effect. Should work for AC/DC hardcore fans.
Verdict: Good 8/10

6: Smash N’ Grab 4:06
I think the traditional starts for AC/DC are getting a bit saturated in my mind. They’re great quality, but somewhat getting repetitive. Vocals weren’t the usual sing-along tracks. I am anticipating for a big solo in the album to entitle “best solo of the album” The tempo should have gone up a bit by now, but all is forgiven for another good solo near the third minute. The chorus was dumb for an AC/DC song.
Verdict: Okay 7/10

7: Spoilin’ For A Fight 3:17
Back to the grind and back to the sing along tracks. Again a solid riff, verse and sing-along chorus. I’m waiting for something new and entertaining. The song is listenable and is nice by the way, but I’m nearing saturation point. I’m feeling as though the last song has continued in this one.
Verdict: I’m bored, but good 8/10

8: Wheels 3:28
Only new thing is the drum beat. I’m sensing a little boost in volume now. Brian started getting a little screechy. But I want something radical!
Verdict: Okay 7/10 (ratings will drop if this ordeal continues)

9: Decibel 3:34
Brian never sang in such a low pitch before for the first few verses. But he resumed his auto pilot screaming, and I got into depression on another AC/DC clone-like song. There isn’t much Decibel to this song as there is a lack of a good chorus. Survives my criticism due to the two-minute solo.
Verdict: Average 6/10

10: Stormy May Day 3:10
The song everyone’s been talking about. Angus on slide guitar!!!! Wow! Lovely new sound from this idea. I loved this song more than others on the album. Ultra-cool chorus with the ultra-cool riff makes this my latest best pick. This deserves a good review.
Verdict: Very good 9/10

11: She Likes Rock N Roll 3:53
Better tempo than the initially sluggish pace. Riffs have become faster. Vocals have become more ranged. Good rock n’ roll!! I enjoy the instruments on this track too. Solo nominee for best solo. I enjoyed the rock n’ roll cliché though…
Verdict: Kinda very good 8 ½ /10

12: Money Made 4:15
Another recurring theme in AC/DC songs, “money.” Use of palm muting extensively in the entire song. Interesting lead guitar fill-ins.
Verdict: okay 7/10

13: Rock N Roll Dream
Soulful singing from Brian. Startlingly, no power chord to begin with, but comes hard hitting later. But I’m tired of this clichéd cliché. No more rock n roll titles please.

14: Rocking All The Way
I guess my request was denied. Yet again, mediocre rock and roll. But this one is something like an offspring of the previous song. Hence the review will be the same as of the one above.
Verdict: Okay 7 ½ /10

15: Black Ice
Not to my satisfaction. All it has is a somewhat good riff. But such uninspiring vocals! Lackluster for the title album song. I don’t know why, but it seems average to me.
Verdict: okey-dokey 8/10

Overall album review: It is not suggested you listen to the album continuously. The repetitiveness can bore you and tarnish AC/DC’s reputation. We can’t let that happen. Rock N’ Roll has to stay alive. So listen it in mixed tracks playlist. Enjoy it on download or radio but don’t buy it, it isn’t worth. The songs are good technically speaking, but they are not innovative. This is just old wine in a new bottle. They should think of expanding their fanbase by bringing new ideas, rather than just serve old fans. You can’t come back and make a mark in this fashion.


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