Saturday, November 15, 2008

Human Perplexity

I have noticed several times on social networking sites a very unsettling trend: almost every person is trying to prove something in their profile, especially in the ‘about me’ section. It generally consists of vague descriptions on how cool/funky/trendy/stylish/smart/dude/yo/hip/popular/etc.etc. the person is. What is the purpose of this? Why is everybody wanting to display themselves as ‘cool’? Why do they feel it will make them socially popular? Is it that necessary? Does a display of false interests in popular culture make you stand out in the crowd? Is that what defines ‘cool’? First of all, why do we have to be this cool entity? Why not stand up for your own views and principles? If we are not going to think for ourselves as the youth of the nation and continue this mindless imitation of popular culture, our personalities are bland. What I’m saying isn’t that quit popular culture in itself. Go with the trend, but be something above it at the same time. If we were all the same clones of interests and ideals, our character and personality looks insipid. Think about what you really care. Issues that touch you. Thoughts that disturb you. Ideas that excite you. Speak out on this. This is the essence of our existence. When you know what you’re looking for and know what you stand for only then can we demand a right to be a citizen of democracy and ask for all our freedoms. Come on people, it’s time we contemplate. Stand up for a cause, because when a crowd stands together for something is when change can be brought in. That is exactly what the world needs to be better: change. Think of democracy. Governance. Justice. Environment(emphasis needed). Civil unrest. Social inequality. There’s so much to think about, so many issues that need to be stressed on.

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